Convictions & Compassion
Even when we don’t agree with someone’s beliefs, we can help them learn more about God and His Word through the questions we ask. In this episode you will gain insights on communicating your convictions with compassion.
Simply The Story (STS) provides a flexible process to fit all personality types, from shy to gregarious. The full Simply The Story training teaches how to dig deep into the Bible, and how to share Bible stories with people you meet. In this series of 12 video episodes, we provide some key lessons from the Simply The Story “5-minute conversational” teaching. Along with the teaching, some videos include examples from actual Bible discussions on the streets.
Take time in your daily routines to talk with others wherever you go. The moment you take to talk with another person, could impact their eternity.
Even when we don’t agree with someone’s beliefs, we can help them learn more about God and His Word through the questions we ask. In this episode you will gain insights on communicating your convictions with compassion.
Follow-up is a wonderful opportunity! In this episode Andrea and Butch will share ideas on how to have follow-up contact with those who hear a Bible story.
Thanks for joining us through this Moment for Eternity series. This episode reviews what has been taught in the previous videos. We hope this series helps you take a moment that could impact a life for eternity.
For more information and for training:
We didn't get it right the first time, sometimes not even the second time. Hope this puts a smile on your face.